Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2023, 3-4 (86-87), 59-75

Open Access Article

Increasing the efficiency of enterprises functioning and level of management of the personnel motivation process in the conditions of martial law

Pohrishchuk Borys
Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Economic Cybernetics, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics and International Economic Relations Department, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine, e-mail: leо, ORCID ID:

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Potemkin, L. (2023). Increasing the efficiency of enterprises functioning and level of management of the personnel motivation process in the conditions of martial law [Pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti funktsionuvannia pidpryiemstv i rivnia upravlinnia protsesom motyvatsii personalu v umovakh voiennoho stanu], Socio-economic research bulletin; Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 3-4 (86-87), pp. 59-75.


The article considers the process of efficiency improving of the enterprises functioning and level of management of the personnel motivation process, as well as finding ways to solve the problem of efficiency increasing of enterprises functioning. The essence of developing a system of interaction between indicators of production efficiency and motivation of personnel, which must necessarily be based on precise technical, economic and financial indicators, has been investigated. The purpose of this article is to develop conventional models of personnel motivation, which will ensure an increase in the level of production efficiency, allow the selection of the most optimal forms, systems and elements of personnel motivation, as well as the organization make decisions for the comprehensive development of national enterprises. The theoretical and methodological basis of this article is the scientific positions of modern economic theory, the scientific method of methodological development of current economic and foreign studies related to the problems of increasing the effectiveness development and functioning of industrial enterprises, as well as the development of current forms and systems of material motivation for personnel. During the research, a system of underground scientific and economic methods was used: abstract-logical, classificatory-analytical, structural-logical analyses; method of peer-expert assessments; methods of economic-mathematical and statistical grouping: complex-target method. The originality of the article lies in the formation of a theoretical-methodological and scientific-methodological basis for approaches development and implementation aimed at personnel motivating of industrial enterprises by achieving their economic growth. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of using developments and proposals by the heads of industrial enterprises in the formation of personnel motivation systems, the development of strategic plans for authorities’ activity at various levels, as well as the development of sectoral and regional programs. Specifically, the author, based on the results of investigation, recommended the promotion of methodological concepts and mechanisms for promoting the level of activity of industrial enterprises on new principles: 1) technical and economic indicators of the production units functioning are compared among themselves, which leads to the development of competition as an important factor in personnel motivating; 2) the personnel actions and corresponding conditions for achieving the most effective level of the enterprises functioning are clearly recorded.


increasing the efficiency of the enterprise activity; management; staff motivation process; martial law; organizational and technical properties.

JEL classification:M100; M210; M540; DOI:

UD classification: 338.1:658.531

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