Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2023, 3-4 (86-87), 108-121

Open Access Article

The influence of social inequality on implementation of the business strategy of corporations sustainable development

Polinkevych Oksana
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics Department, Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Polinkevych, O. (2023). The influence of social inequality on implementation of the business strategy of corporations sustainable development [Vplyv sotsialnoi nerivnosti na realizatsiiu biznes-stratehii staloho rozvytku korporatsii], Socio-economic research bulletin, Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 3-4 (86-87), pp. 108-121.


The article considers the business strategy of sustainable development in the conditions of war, the evolution of the causes of inequality in the theories of inequality, and the statements and actions that reduce inequality in the conditions of sustainable development. On this basis, the place of social inequality in the business strategy of sustainable development is determined. The purpose of the article is to determine the level of influence of social inequality on implementation of the business strategy of sustainable development in Ukraine. Such a goal can be achieved through the understanding of the processes regarding the priority areas of sustainable development and the mechanisms of their implementation. The following general scientific methods were used in the research process of induction, analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, comparison and generalization. It has been established that inequality is a certain imperfection of the nature of man and society, which has existed since ancient times and has been changing. The main reasons that give rise to social inequality in society are identified, including the need for survival, the fight against evil, the natural and social roots of people, the relationship to ownership of the means of production and the alienation of labor, economic and social factors, the level of hope and real opportunities to satisfy needs, control over the resources and activities of other people, suppression of basic human needs and instincts. It is summarized that sustainable development in business is a company’s strategy and action, which are aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment and increasing the positive impact on the development of society. It is substantiated that social inequality has a negative impact on the development of a business strategy for sustainable development. This is explained by the fact that at enterprises there is a significant gap in the level of remuneration between management (top managers) and ordinary employees, which causes a level of dissatisfaction and social tension in the team. The following sustainability principles, which should be followed in order to achieve balanced and harmonious development, are proposed: preservation of stability and perseverance in one’ plans, readiness for changes and risks, discovery of new opportunities, involvement in socially relevant business, expansion of the network of contacts to overcome social inequality and realize the goals of sustainable development.


social inequality; sustainable business development; business strategy; corporations; changes; operational activity; logistic activity; management.

JEL classification:А130; M210; O150; DOI:

UD classification: [658:005]:338

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