Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2023, 1-2 (84-85), 83-93

Open Access Article

Аssessment of restaurant business enterprise management technology in conditions of change

Kuznetsova Inna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Management of Organizations Department, Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

Kim Artem
Manager of Analytical Department of the restaurant company Synergy Group, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Kuznetsova, I., & Kim, A. (2023). Аssessment of restaurant business enterprise management technology in conditions of change [Otsiniuvannia tekhnolohii upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom restorannoho biznesu v umovakh zmin], Socio-economic research bulletin, Vìsnik socìal’noekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 1-2 (84-85), pp. 83-93.


The article reveals the essence of the management technology concept as a set of formalized knowledge about the implementation of the management process. The subject of the research is theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for restaurant management technology in the conditions of changes in the business environment. The purpose of the article is to study the main management technologies in view on the shifts trends in business environment and formation of a method for assessing the feasibility of technology using for the restaurant business. The methodological basis of the research was system analysis, which was used for evaluating of the restaurant industry development and theory of fuzzy logic for forming a technology evaluation method. The development of the restaurant services market was analyzed with using of the dynamic series method. Factors that determine the attractiveness of the restaurant business for entrepreneurs are systematized. These include: financial attractiveness, popularity of business among the population, flexibility in the amount of necessary investments in business, the possibility of network development, attractiveness for foreign investors, development of franchising, development of complimenters, low entry barriers. The factors that influenced on the restaurant business development during the pandemic are systematized. New technologies that began to develop actively in the conditions of changes in the business environment are singled out. It was proven that the key competitive advantage of the restaurant business in the conditions of a pandemic and war has become flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt. The importance of systematized technologies during the war has been proven. The method for evaluating the feasibility of introducing innovative technology into the restaurant business, which takes into account the competitive advantages of the restaurant, the value of the technology for consumers, and the company’s ability to implement innovative technology, is proposed with using the apparatus of fuzzy logic.


management technology; restaurant business; changes in the business environment during a pandemic and war; business attractiveness; competitive advantage; fuzzy logic.

JEL classification:M110; DOI:

UD classification: 005:640.43

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