Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2023, 1-2 (84-85), 106-117

Open Access Article

Comprehensive analytical assessment of enterprises marketing activity as a basis for accepting anti-crisis management decisions

Bahorka Mariia
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Marketing Department, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukrainе, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Bahorka, M. (2023). Comprehensive analytical assessment of enterprises marketing activity as a basis for accepting anti-crisis management decisions [Kompleksna analitychna otsinka marketynhovoi diialnosti pidpryiemstv yak osnova pryiniattia antykryzovykh upravlinskykh rishen], Socio-economic research bulletin, Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 1-2 (84-85), pp. 106–117.


The article presents the main stages of comprehensive analysis, determines the methods and principles of evaluating the marketing activity of enterprise. Generalization of the main typical marketing solutions was carried out depending on the periods of crisis development. It was established that the evaluation of enterprise’s marketing activity is primarily carried out according to a set of such criteria as: the volume of merchandise turnover, the size of inventories, and turnover expenses. However, for a more accurate assessment, such indicators as the breadth of the product range and the satisfaction ratio of purchasing demand are used. Management problems in the sphere of organization marketing activity are analyzed and the role of information base for making informed management decisions is determined. Directions of comprehensive analysis are established, namely: the study of market conjuncture, competitive environment, consumer behavior, macro- and micro environmental factors. Three ways to optimize product promotion costs are proposed. A complex of factors that must be taken into account when making anti-crisis marketing decisions are highlighted: peculiarities of enterprise’s corporate mission; results of strategic planning; features of enterprise’s marketing strategy; factors of enterprise’s external marketing environment; factors of enterprise’s internal marketing environment. Particular attention is paid to the complex interaction of marketing and management tools at enterprises in crisis conditions, and if a goal of managing an organization is to make effective decisions, then the goal of marketing as a business philosophy is the formation of solutions adequate to external conditions, which is especially important during the negative impact of crisis phenomena. The justification of the need to use the Internet resource by the enterprise, which will allow establishing relations with buyers with significantly lower costs, has been made.


crisis; marketing activity; marketing management; anti-crisis management; business environment; economic efficiency; marketing decisions.

JEL classification:C100; М210; М310; DOI:

UD classification: 339.138

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