Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2023, 3-4 (82-83), 41-53

Open Access Article

Strategic plan implementation for the development of the Vasylivska territorial community in the martial law conditions

Karpov Vladimir
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Economics, Law and Business Management Department, Head of the Research Department, Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

Batanova Tatiana
Postgraduate Student, Head of Scientific and Editorial Department, Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Karpov, V., Batanova, T. (2022). Strategic plan implementation for the development of the Vasylivska territorial community in the martial law conditions [Realizatsiia stratehichnoho planu rozvytku Vasylivskoi hromady v umovakh voiennoho stanu], Socio-economic research bulletin; Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 3-4 (82-83), pp. 41-53.


The article considers the theoretical and practical aspects of territorial communities socioeconomic state and development under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. It is noted that the socio-economic development of territorial communities is an important indicator of assessing the level of state development. The state policy of Ukraine in the field of local self-government is based on the territorial communities residents interests and provides of the government decentralization  i.e., the transfer of a significant part of powers and responsibilities from executive authorities to local self-government bodies. The local self-government development and territorial communities creation primarily involve increasing the financial capacity, investment and economic attractiveness of territories for citizens comfortable living. The main properties of socio-economic development of the Vasylivska territorial community are studied and assessed. Research methodology of the state and determining the goals, tasks, priorities and directions of sustainable economic and social development of territorial entities has been clarified. The state of socio-economic development of the Vasylivska territorial community was analyzed according to various indicators and changes that occurred in its territory. The main tasks of the development of the Vasylivska territorial community are substantiated, taking into account its needs and interests. An algorithm for regulating the socioeconomic development of the Vasylivska community until 2027 is proposed. Since the beginning of Russian Federation military aggression and hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the conditions, directions and tasks of the economy functioning, as well as the working and living conditions of Ukrainians, are changed. The peculiarities of the strategic development plan implementation in the conditions of martial law are considered on the example of the Vasylivska territorial community. The scientific novelty consists in the approbation and practical application of the algorithm for design and actualization of economic and social development strategy of a specific territorial community in the conditions of martial law. The obtained results will be used in the future for developing of conceptual models for similar urban united territorial communities at the regional level under martial law conditions.


socio-economic development; region; community; population; expenses; development of territories; design of development strategy.

JEL classification:E600; R110; DOI:

UD classification: 332.143

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