Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2023, 3-4 (82-83), 125-136

Open Access Article

Implementation of lean management technology in the service enterprises activity

Karpenko Yuliia
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Management of Organizations Department, Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Karpenko, Y. (2022). Implementation of lean management technology in the service enterprises activity [Vprovadzhennia tekhnolohii oshchadlyvoho upravlinnia v diialnist servisnykh pidpryiemstv], Socio-economic research bulletin, Vìsnik socìal’noekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 3-4 (82-83), рр. 125-136.


The article considers the main theoretical provisions of lean management: the concept, principles and types of losses (muda). The purpose of article is the losses determination of servicetype operating systems with different degrees of contact with the consumer based on the study of classification approaches to losses in lean management technology, as well as the development of proposals for the tools using to reduce or eliminate established losses. The use of logical generalization and comparison methods made it possible to establish the main types of enterprise losses: losses due to overproduction; excess stocks; shortage; losses due to unnecessary operations and processing; simple and waiting; losses during transportation; unnecessary movements. The projection of losses on the service-type operating systems activity with different degrees of the consumer contact іs made. On the basis of the losses comparison of service-type operating systems with different degrees of contact, conclusions about their differences are made. Losses of operating systems with a high degree of contact are associated with their inability to respond to customer requests in a timely manner. Losses of systems with a low degree of contact arise as a result of imperfect internal organization of the operational process. The established difference of losses requires the use of different methods and tools to eliminate them. It is proposed in systems with a high degree of contact to use methods of regulation the response to external disturbances in the form of customer requests, in particular, the method of self-service, leveling the load of the operating system, using the pull system. In systems with a low degree of contact, it is recommended to use methods of optimizing the operational process, namely, a map of the flow of value creation of goods, a system of general maintenance of equipment, reduction of the time used to eliminate equipment breakdowns, standard work.


principles of lean management; «muda» losses; service-type operating systems.

JEL classification:D210; М110; DOI:

UD classification: 005.936.3:338.46

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