Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2022, 1-2 (80-81), 61-75

Open Access Article

Modern information technologies using for accounting at enterprises

Starenka Olha
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing Department, Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Starenka, O. (2022). Modern information technologies using for accounting at enterprises [Stan vykorystannia suchasnykh informatsiinykh tekhnolohii dlia obliku na pidpryiemstvakh], Socio-economic research bulletin, Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 1-2 (80-81), pp. 61-75.


The article considers the state of modern information technologies using, their advantages and disadvantages, in order to highlight possibilities of their implementation in accounting sphere. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for modern information technologies implementation in accounting at domestic enterprises in the conditions of informatization and automation of all spheres of modern business entities’ activity. It is noted that for effective activity, every enterprise faces the task of optimal selection of accounting automation software, which will satisfy the requirements and take into account the peculiarities of its functioning. Attention is focused on the fact that there is a problem of the correctness choice of software, which will allow parallel management of several types of accounting in a single information system. It is noted that today this makes it possible to create the ERP system, which is used to manage all the company’s resources. It is proposed to use the concept of organizational process management (BPM) to automate the main accounting operations, and to support it, use the BPMS technological software as a separate system that will be integrated with other modules through standard protocols. The trends in software development in the context of cloud technologies and blockchain technology development are investigated. It is determined that cloud technologies embody the concept of providing IT resources in the form of services. It was revealed that the SaaS model is the main trend in the accounting software development in recent years. It is substantiated that the blockchain technology implementation is currently taking place in various spheres, and accounting is considered one of the most promising of them. It was emphasized that domestic accounting is based on outdated methods and techniques, and blockchain technology, due to its key properties, can significantly transform its capabilities and increase efficiency. Advantages and disadvantages of modern information technologies using in accounting are analyzed. It is established that despite the presence of certain disadvantages, there are large number of advantages regarding their use. It is suggested that modern enterprises join their use, which will allow continuous economic activity, reduce the number of accounting errors, which will increase the reliability of accounting information; will provide the ability to control, compile and submit reports in real time; will reduce the risks of information loss and accounting expenses.


accounting; information technologies; information support; enterprise; cloud technologies; blockchain technology.

JEL classification:М420; DOI:

UD classification: 657.1:004.65

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