Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2016, 2(61), 19-26

Open Access Article

Conceptual directions of improvement quality of integrative interaction of the jordan basin countries

Abudavud Basem
Postgraduate student of International Economics and Tourism Department, Donetsk National University of Economic and Trade named after Mikhailо Tugan-Baranovsky,

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Basem, A. (2016), Conceptual directions of improvement quality of integrative interaction of the Jordan basin countries. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Kontseptualni napriamy pidvyshchennia yakosti intehratsiinoi vzaiemodii krain Yordanskoho baseinu; za red.: М. I. Zveriakova (gol. red.) ta in.], Socio-economic research bulletin; Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, No. 2 (61), pp. 19–26.


The article analyzes the characteristics of integrative interaction of the countries of the Jordan Basin. Special attention is paid to the development of regional integration as a key aspect of the formation of a stable union on the banks of the Jordan River. The basic conceptual directions of improvement of the integrative interaction of the Jordan basin countries are highlighted within the framework of regional and trans-regional integration. A phased plan to improve integrative interaction with the description of the actions of each of the states is submitted. The general trajectory of the integrative interaction of the Jordan Basin countries allowing for the socio-economic development, political and cultural cooperation is proposed.


strategy; integration; the country of Jordan Basin; regional integration; trans-regional integration.

JEL classification: F020;  DOI:

UD classification: 351:368


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