Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2016, 1(60), 223-229

Open Access Article

Priorities for the reform of the financial market in the modern macroeconomic situation of Ukraine

Ruzanna Arutyunyan
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Banking, Odessa National Economic University,

Svetlana Arutyunyan
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of financial management and stock market, Odessa National Economic University,

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Arutyunyan, R., Arutyunyan, S. (2016), Priorities for the reform of the financial market in the modern macroeconomic situation of Ukraine. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Priorytety reformuvannia finansovoho rynku v umovakh suchasnoi makroekonomichnoi sytuatsii Ukrainy; za red.: М. I. Zveriakova (gol. red.) ta in.], Socio-economic research bulletin; Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Issue 1, No. 60, pp. 223–229.


The article analyzes the accumulated problems of the financial market of Ukraine in today’s macroeconomic situation and the main priorities of their decisions on the basis of the creation of institutional and legal frameworks that will ensure a sustainable and dynamic growth of the national economy. The priorities of financial system and financial market reforming in the context of crisis management and in globalization conditions are determined. The necessity of creating a new forecasting and regulation of the financial sector, to overcome the causes of structural and cyclical and financial crises and mitigate their effects is substantiated.


financial market; reforming; crisis management; financial stability; financialization.

JEL classification: G180; G210; G280;  DOI:

UD classification: 336.71.339


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