Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2015, 4(59), 86-89

Open Access Article

Management of state budget expenditures through the system of treasury

Tetyana Kublikova
PhD in Economics, professor, Vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work, Odessa National Economic University,

Eleonora Kurganskaya
PhD in Economics, senior tutor of finance department, Odessa National Economic University,

Cite this article:

Kublikova, T., Kurganskaya, E. (2015). Management of state budget expenditures through the system of treasury. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others, Socio-economic research bulletin; Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Issue 4, No. 59, pp. 86-89.


In the article the management of budget funds in the Treasury system is researched. Tendencies of balances fluctuations on a single treasury account are indicated. The attention to the peculiarities and shortcomings in the functioning of the cash budget execution is paid. The management of budget funds should be addressed by effective combining of the interests of fiscal and monetary policy.Operations in the financial markets on the placement of temporarily free budget funds on deposit at the National Bank of Ukraine and commercial banks will provide an additional source of income. This will enable reduction of the burden on state spending.


treasury; the treasury system; the cash execution of the budget; a single treasury account; the budget; treasury; costs.

JEL classification: H61

UD classification: 336.14:354.22

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