Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2015, 4(59), 32-38

Open Access Article

Controlling mechanism in the health care sector: features and implementation in Ukraine and Iraqi Kurdistan

Olga Degtiareva
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Enterprise Economics Department, Odessa National Economic University, p>Niyaz Adnan Mohamed Ali
Postgraduate student, Enterprise Economics Department, Odessa National Economic University,

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Degtiareva, O., Niyaz Adnan Mohamed Ali (2015). Controlling mechanism in the health care sector: features and implementation in Ukraine and Iraqi Kurdistan. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others, Socio-economic research bulletin; Vìsnik socìal’no-ekonomìčnih doslìdžen’ (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Issue 4, No. 59, pp. 32-38.


The health care sector faces many different challenges both in Ukraine and in Kurdistan nowadays. Some these challenges are similar, other reflect the unique path of medical services development in the country. But obviously many environmental changes have led to a much stronger competitive pressure on hospitals both in the field of medical standards, cure conditions infrastructure, state regulation etc. and in the field of managerial efficiency, financial and business transparency of every single hospital. This paper presents theoretical assumptions and practical guidance for creation a controlling mechanism that achieves specified performance, and economizes on the resources required to operate organizations in the health care sector, i.e., informational efficient mechanisms. Our systematic approach is a formation of controlling instruments joined in one efficient mechanism that can help to ensure own survival of hospitals by improving their efficiency and competitiveness.


controlling; controlling mechanism; controlling system; medical services; Ukraine; Iraqi Kurdistan.

JEL classification: I100

UD classification: 614(477+556)

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