Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2015, 2(57), 156-161

Open Access Article

Improvement of enterprise’s potential competitiveness evaluation

Dmitry Salavelys
Postgraduate student, Economy of Enterprises Department, Odessa National Economic University, е

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Salavelys, D. (2015), Improvement of enterprise’s potential competitiveness evaluation. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Udoskonalennia otsinky konkurentospromozhnosti potentsialu pidpryiemstva; za red.: М. I. Zveriakova (gol. red.) ta in.], Socio-economic research bulletin (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Issue 2, No. 57, pp. 156–161.


The theoretical foundations of process approach to improvement an estimation of competitiveness of enterprise’s potential are developed in the article. The experience of theoretical research on the problem of management of competitiveness of the market entities is generalized. It is concluded that the enterprise’s competitiveness potential – is a property, which is characterized by its ability to be part of structural formations, to respond quickly to changes in his structure, to take into account the tendencies of change and updates of economic system. The tasks of main sections of program providing the competitiveness potential in restructuring strategy of enterprise are clarified. The characteristic of time limits in the program providing the competitiveness of enterprise’s potential in the strategy of restructuring are given. It was defined that the enterprise’s potential economic efficiency is estimated on the basis of a coefficient method by means a determining the economic efficiency coefficient. A new scheme of estimation and graphical interpretation of the behavior of complex coefficient of enterprise’s potential economic efficiency is proposed.


competitiveness; potential of enterprise; restructuring; the strategy of adaptive restructuring.

JEL classification: R220, I000

UD classification: 334.716.009.12

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