Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2015, 1(56), 78–83

Open Access Article

Economic security of railway companies in modern conditions

Tatyana Murenko
PhD, Associate Professor, Accounting and Auditing Department, Odessa National Economics University,

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Murenko, T. (2015), Economic security of railway companies in modern conditions. Ed.: М. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Economichna bezpeka zaliznychnykh pidpryiemstv v suchasnykh umovakh; za red.: М. I. Zveriakova (gol. red.) ta in.], Socio-economic research bulletin (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, Issue 1, No. 56, pp. 78–83.


The article analyses theoretical approaches to definition of economic security in transport enterprises, summarizes and clarifies their content and scope. The evidence of influence on the railway sector safety is found in order to early warning and taking actions to improve. The dynamics of the share of railway transport in the total volume of cargo transportation in Ukraine is traced. It is proved that the adaptation of railway transport to changes in the external economic environment as direction to ensure the competitiveness of the industry is a necessary condition for the development and insurance of our country’s security. The directions of identification of sustainable development reserves as a source of economic security of railway transport are identified.


economic security of railway companies; external and internal threats; sustainable development; adaptation; competitiveness of the industry; economic security of the country.

JEL classification: R400

UD classification: 656.2:005.934:657

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