Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2015, 1(56), 196–201

Open Access Article

Trends in banking regulation and supervision in conditions of European integration of Ukraine

Victor Varenyk
PhD, Accociate Professor, Department of Banking, Lviv Commerce Academy,

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Varenyk, V. (2015), Trends in banking regulation and supervision in conditions of European integration of Ukraine. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Naprіamy rozvytku bankivskoho rehuliuvannia ta nahliadu v umovakh evrointegracii Ukrainy; za red.: М. I. Zveriakova (gol. red.) ta in.], Socio-economic research bulletin (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Issue 1, No. 56, pp. 196–201.


The article investigates the basic directions of development of regulation and supervision of banks in Ukraine according to the recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision regarding the construction of the internal control system aimed at determining the level of risk of the integral assets and capital adequacy ratio of the banking system of Ukraine in terms of European integration. The analysis and evaluation of compliance with capital ratios for banks Ukraine during 2010–2014 is made. And generalized problems of capitalization of banks, which are often associated with the problem of the required size of share capital or a problem related to the execution of licensing requirements of NBU concerning the minimum amount of regulatory capital.


banking supervision; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; regulatory capital; regulatory capital adequacy; capitalization; banking regulation.

JEL classification: G210

UD classification: 336.71.073.3

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