Socio-Economic Research Bulletin 2015, 1(56), 19–26

Open Access Article

Substantiation of the development strategies of trade enterprises

Maksim Bezpartochnyi
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics, University of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade»,

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Bezpartochnyi, M. (2015), Substantiation of the development strategies of trade enterprises. Ed.: M. Zveryakov (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Obhruntuvannia stratehii rozvytku torhovelnykh pidpryemstv; za red.: М. I. Zveriakova (gol. red.) ta in.], Socio-economic research bulletin (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Issue 1, No. 56, pp. 19–26.


The author’s approach to the essence of development strategies of trade enterprises are considered in the article. Kinds of development of businesses using the method of monographic studies are investigated. On international experience served characteristic basic development strategies of trade enterprises. Criteria of the development strategy of trade enterprises, which assigned a place in consumer market, product range, availability of technology, level of competition in trade, are identified. An algorithm for the formation and implementation of strategies for the development of trade enterprises, which provides for monitoring internal and external environment, the diagnosis of resource provision, model development of trade enterprises, is developed. The paths of development of trade enterprises in the long term that encouraged to use the planning system are formed. The principles of effective formation and implementation of development strategies of trade enterprises, based on the capabilities of the resource potential are defined. The market, technical and technological, organizational, innovation and information mechanisms for the formation and implementation of strategies for the development of trade enterprises are offered.


business entity; domestic trade; consumer market; effective demand; resource provision; competition; mechanisms of formation and implementation of development strategies.

JEL classification: F100; L810

UD classification: 339.1.003.13

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